The Collection
On Display at the London Museum
There are a total of 132 dolls in the collection and they are currently being preserved by the Royal Collection Trust in England. The vast majority are Grodnertals and a few are rag babies.
Only 5% of the dolls are male.
Their sizes range from 2 to 9 inches with the majority of them being between 6.5 and 7.5 inches tall.
55% of the dolls were dressed by her Baroness Lehzen, 25% of the dolls were dressed by the young Princess and the rest of her dolls were dressed by other relatives and family friends.
-From Carol Cameron Presentation on the Queen’s Dolls
“Of the 132 dolls preserved, the Queen dressed no fewer than 32, in a few of which she was helped by Baroness Lehzen, a fact that is scrupulously recorded in the book; and they deserve to be handed down to posterity as an example of the patience and ingenuity and exquisite handiwork of a twelve-year-old princess.”
-Frances H. Low