Burgundy Silk Capote Bonnet


A Capote bonnet is a transitional head dress between a cap and a stiffened hat.; the brim is usually made of stiffened fabric, but the crown is of soft fabric, usually silk.

Emma’s burgundy Capote bonnet is made of older silk taffeta, has a buckram brim and is decorated with silk ribbon. It is a perfect companion piece to her burgundy pelisse and shawl.

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A Capote bonnet is a transitional head dress between a cap and a stiffened hat.; the brim is usually made of stiffened fabric, but the crown is of soft fabric, usually silk.

Emma’s burgundy Capote bonnet is made of older silk taffeta, has a buckram brim and is decorated with silk ribbon. It is a perfect companion piece to her burgundy pelisse and shawl.

A Capote bonnet is a transitional head dress between a cap and a stiffened hat.; the brim is usually made of stiffened fabric, but the crown is of soft fabric, usually silk.

Emma’s burgundy Capote bonnet is made of older silk taffeta, has a buckram brim and is decorated with silk ribbon. It is a perfect companion piece to her burgundy pelisse and shawl.